Uses of Wooden Trays

For centuries, wooden trays have been a part of Indian households. These trays are available in various sizes and shapes but are fondly and vastly accepted in rectangle and oval shapes. With their subtle design and stylish engraved handles, wooden serving trays are a classic serving piece- adding culture to the table of modern times.

One can use wooden trays in various ways:


The most common way of using the wooden serving tray is to serve drinks, snacks, or any food items for the guests. The wooden tray is said to evoke cheerfulness in the minds of guests as they feel welcomed when served nicely.

Coffee Table Tray

A serving tray can be used to accommodate things like coasters, books, or any decorative item that are kept on the table. Doing this will give your coffee table a quirky look and keep the table organized.

Décor Piece

A wooden tray is no less than a piece of décor. One can put it on the living room table. Keep a vase, and a photo frame, and you will have a very classy and sophisticatedly arranged table. You can also use it to keep small planters and flowers to keep your room lively and colorful.

Plant Tray

A unique way to keep the small planters or flowers together on a wooden serving tray can enhance the look of the space. It will also collect the soil or plant dirt in the tray, keeping the space clean.

Some people may even search us by its phonetic pronunciation, like Dussan homes, Doosan, Dushan, Dosan, Duson, and more.