DIY: Declutter Your Kitchen in 5 Simple Ways

Whether it involves family gatherings or midnight snacks, we’re bound to find ourselves in the kitchen more often than we might admit to ourselves. Owing to the same reason, walking into a messy and cluttered kitchen might not do well for our mood or appetite. Fret not! Here are 5 simple ways for you to declutter your kitchen.

1. Sort your clutter one at a time

While clearing out your kitchen, it is important to be mindful of your cleaning process. The number of shelves and drawers in the kitchen can make cleaning seem like an extremely overwhelming process. This is why it is important to organize your shelves or drawers one at a time so that you don’t end up with a huge mess.

2. Be mindful of your mug collection

Owning an extensively innovative collection of mugs is something many of us might find ourselves guilty for. While mug collections are always an attractive element of kitchens - it’s a helpful idea to minimize them for a more organized look.

3. Stack up more shelves

Stacking up too many dishes of the same kind on top of each other exudes a very messy look to your kitchen. You can use shelf risers or hooks to organize your utensils in a more visually appealing approach.

4.Get rid of duplicates

While it’s always a smart idea to have backup utensils up your hand, it’s important to ensure that you’re not too loaded up on duplicates. An excess of anything isn’t appreciated, and in this case - excessive utensils or kitchen linens will only add to the already cluttered pile of items. This is a good opportunity to get rid of items that are now worn out or haven’t been used in a very long time.

5. Concentrate on your counters

One of the first elements to catch your attention in a kitchen ought to be the kitchen counters. With leftover vegetables and uncovered utensils lying around, it can create a negative visual impression on whoever walks into your kitchen. Focus on disposing of unused items and shifting food items to the fridge or containers for a better visual kitchen aesthetic.

While decluttering your kitchen might seem like an exhaustive process, we promise you that the results will only make it feel worth it! Happy decluttering!

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