6 Tips to Decorate your Home with Art Deco Style

Art deco style has been there for many centuries but has fit extremely well with the modern style due to its distinct features. Some of these features are the straight, sleek lines, streamlined forms, and bold colors of Art Deco lend themselves well to our modern taste. You can make a 100-year-old style look good in the current times by combining some of its features into the modern design.

1. Bold colors all the way

You can add the art deco touch to your space by adding colors that suit this type of style. Art deco style uses moody, saturated tones. You can create a lavish and eye-catching look by adding colors such as cobalt blue, emerald green, dark grey and black to create that elegant modern look. You should always balance it out with neutral colors such as cream and beige and accessorize with gold accents.

2. Decorate with different shapes to create accents

Trapezoidal shapes and curved forms are key elements in Art Deco design. You can incorporate these in your mirrors and vases as these create an eye-catching element to your space. By adding such elements, it gives the viewer a subtle hint of the Art Deco style.

3. Fluted details

These details are linear and clean forms which are very common in Art Deco style. This can be added through furniture or on walls and has become very popular in the current times. You can even add some texture to surfaces such as on cabinets and countertops. Another way to add the Art Deco touch to your space is through vases and lights.

4. Geometric patterns

Geometric patterns are very common in Art Deco style. You can add patterns like zigzag patterns and triangular forms to elevate your space. Incorporate these motifs into your decor with patterned wallpaper or upholstery fabric. You can even add a bold rug for an eye-catching impact.

5. Contrast

You can use a mixture of light and bold colors to make the space look more Art Deco. For example, you can keep the furniture neutral but add lots of color to the walls and the accessories. You can even take a black and white contrast which makes the space book classy and sophisticated but using colors like blues and greens can give a different vibe to your space.

6. Luxury

Art Deco is all about keeping the luxury to the maximum. You can add materials which are rich such as marble, granite and metallic. Some of these materials can be costly but you can always showcase the same look through veneers or laminate surfaces. You can even add sculptures to break up the space or even a very bold artwork.